Saturday, December 28, 2019

Animal Rights Essay - 2196 Words

One of the most touchy aspects of our relationship with animals is the use of animals in laboratory sciences. Some manufactures of cosmetics and household products still conduct painful and useless tests on live animals, even though no law requires them to do so. Some people, called anti-vivisectionists, are at one extreme in their concern. They want an abolition of all experiments on live animals. At the other extreme there are those who say that it is quite all right for us to do whatever we like to animals. They say that God gave us such a right, since it is written in the bible (Genesis 1:26) that man has dominion over all creatures. If what is done to the animal may produce something of educational value, adds to scientific†¦show more content†¦Since 1938, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has required that each ingredient in a cosmetic be quot;adequately substantiated for safetyquot; prior to being made available to the consumer. However, neither the FDA nor the C onsumer Product Safety Commission ( a regulatory agency that oversees product safety, consumer complaints, etc.) requires firms to conduct animal testing of any cosmetic product. Cosmetic companies use animal tests to insure themselves against possible consumer lawsuits. If sued for liability, they can protect themselves by arguing that the cosmetic was quot;adequately tested for safetyquot; with tests standard in the cosmetic industry. How placing a piece of lipstick in the eye of a rabbit to determine it safety to the consumer boggles my mind. If someone placed a piece of lipstick in my eye, I do believe it would irritate my eye also. How in the name of God does this test prove it is safe for the consumer? I dont believe lipstick is gong to be used in the eye area, unless you are a mindless idiot. The Draize Eye-Irritancy Test was designed to assess a substances potential harmfulness to human eyes based on its effects on rabbits eyes. This test was developed in the early 1940s by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This test is typically performed on six rabbits per substance tested. Technicians restrain eachShow MoreRelatedAnimal Rights And Human Rights923 Words   |  4 Pages Animal Rights â€Å"Nearly as many, 68 percent, were concerned or very concerned about the well-being of animals used in ‘sports’ or contests as well as animals in laboratories (67 percent) (Kretzer, 1).† Many people question whether an animal is capable of thought and emotions. Others feel as though animals are the equivalent of humans and should be treated as such. Since the 1800’s, animal rights has been a topic that has several different sides including two extremes. If animals can react to theirRead MoreThe Debate On Animal Rights910 Words   |  4 PagesThere are two major schools of thought on animal protection. First, is the tenet that animals should have rights and the second, more radical view, is that animals should be liberated. Many of the rights that are promoted for animals are similar to the rights of human democratic societies. The basic rights, which are recommended by a number of advocates, are that animals should be free from suffering, be in posses sion of their own life, and their basic interests should be given the same considerationRead MoreAnimal Rights Essay886 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal rights - moral or legal entitlements attributed to nonhuman animals, usually because of the complexity of their cognitive, emotional, and social lives or their capacity to experience physical or emotional pain or pleasure. (Britannia encyclopedia online, n.d.). The definition of animal rights is so clear to us. Human rights need to be protected, so do animal rights. In 1976, in New York City, thousands of cat lovers were beaten when they heard a painful test to be taken for pets’ sexualRead MoreEssay on ANIMAL RIGHTS790 Words   |  4 PagesAnimals have their own rights as do to humans and we should respect that and give them the same respect we give each other. Animals deserve to be given those same basic rights as humans. All humans are considered equal and ethical principles and legal statutes should protect the rights of ani mals to live according to their own nature and remain free from exploitation. This paper is going to argue that animals deserve to have the same rights as humans and therefore, we don’t have the right to killRead MoreAnimal Rights Philosophy768 Words   |  4 Pagesissue of animal rights, Carl Cohen takes on the perspective of a reformist. This means that he accepts animal experimentation and meat eating, but believes that these institutions need to be improved upon. 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Many people see animals as mindless creatures or as food, while others think they have emotions and can feel pain. In other countries animal protection laws are in place that are strictly enforced and seem to work well with the system. In the United States however; some of the anima l rights laws are considered to be useless and under-enforced (Animal Legal Historical Center). More people today are beginning to see that animals shouldRead MoreThe Issue Of Animal Rights Essay2300 Words   |  10 PagesAnimals have the right to equal consideration in regards to their being used for human needs as most people use animals for their own needs on a daily basis even if only indirectly whether to entertain us, or to attain the product we are using, or on our dinner plate. The controversy of the treatment of animals range from some activists and philosophers that are outspoken against animals being used by humans in any way for our own personal needs, while others are candid in their belief that animalsRead More Animal Rights Essay2330 Words   |  10 PagesAnimals and man have shared this planet since humans first appeared on earth. Animals have provided transportation, food, clothing, shelter, companionship and entertainment throughout the ages. Therefore, it is our duty to treat animals with respect, care and kindness and not cause them undue suffering, because they have, in many ways, made it possible for man to survive on earth. However, because normal adult humans have superior mental abilities in the hierarchical scale in nature, animals haveRead MoreArgumentary On Animals And Animal Rights1523 Words   |  7 Pagesclass was crazy! There was so much information regarding animal rights†¦ Sasha: I know. But I don’t know if any of that changed my views. I still think becoming a vegetarian is the way to go. Devon: You think? I still think that it is okay to eat meat. The animals just need to be raised in a humane manner. Sasha: Eh†¦I don’t know. Animals should just be left alone and be free to roam around in the wild. They should not be tortured like those animals that I saw while visiting that â€Å"kill floor†. Devon:

Friday, December 20, 2019

General Instrumentation Of A Power Plant - 1124 Words

General Instrumentation in a Power Plant In a Thermal Power Plant, Chemical Energy of fuel is converted to Electrical Energy. Actually this energy conversion takes place in different stages. Firstly, in Boiler, the chemical energy in fuel is converted into heat energy. During process of combustion the carbon, sulphur etc available in the fuel reacts with air and liberates heat and flue gases. This heat is absorbed by the water-walls of the furnace and steam is generated. Secondly, in Turbine this heat energy, in the form of heat energy is converted into mechanical energy. And Finally, in Generators, which is coupled with the turbine, the mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy. Therefore, a Thermal Power Plant can be regarded as a process industry. Now, for successful completion of the process, a good number of process parameters need continuous monitoring which needs instrumentation. Just like other process plant, the instrumentation system of a thermal power plant has two parts:- †¢ Measurement: It deals with measurement of different parameters of the process by deploying different sensor which is mainly known as primary instrument and operating personnel by displaying it on indicator or recording it on recorder or storing it in Data Acquisition System(DAS) or in some cases, by generating audiovisual alarm signal protective signal. Indicator, Recorder DAS are mainly known as secondary instrument. †¢ Control: It takes care for automatic/manual control ofShow MoreRelatedImplementation Of Light Fidelity ( Li Fi ) On 3rd Gen Modular Projects839 Words   |  4 Pagesimplementation of Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) on 3rd Gen Modular projects (such as Oil Gas, chemicals, petrochemicals, power plants and other processing industries). 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Responses to Fruits and Vegetable Carving -

Question: Discuss about theResponses to Fruits and Vegetable Carving for Asian Recipe. Answer: Before a fruit is carved, the essential materials needed for the carving process must be put in place. The process of carving requires all the tools ready since there are several steps which are involved. With tools prepared it will help to undergo all steps with interruptions(Asian, 2016). One of the types of carving involved is the carving of the skin. During this process, the outer skin is revealed by carving the fruit to get the fleshy part. In the cases where a fruit contains layers of different colors between the skins, the design should be created to ensure there is a contrast between the two parts. The other part of carving is carving in dimensions which help in carving the fruit in relation to measurements. While the fruit is in the hand of the carver, he should ensure that the process involved in the design is done in a carefully and realistically(Asian, 2016). Soaking of fruits and vegetables is of great importance since it makes them clean and healthy for human consumption. One of the reasons as to why vegetables should be soaked is to ensure that they are very clean. This is because the herbicides which cling on the vegetables can effectively be eliminated by soaking. Soaking also softens the vegetables to be consumed as through soaking; the vegetables are revived and become palatable. Soaking them also ensures that they last for a longer period. Soaking helps in boosting their flavor since vegetables can absorb the liquid(Hendricks, 2015). Various considerations should be ensured before choosing fruits or vegetables before carving. Firstly, it should be ensured that they have not overripe, have a skin that is smooth and fresh. Choosing spoilt fruits may not give rise to the desired outcome. Colorful fruits should also be selected to look attractive and eye-catching after carving. Secondly, fruits to be carved should be washed and dried for refrigeration to ensure that they remain fresh and to make carving easy. Knives to be used in carving should be stainless and also sharp. Lastly, fruits to be carved should be handled with great care by the carver(Chemko, 2014). After soaking the pumpkins in water, they should be removed immediately from water to ensure that they do not get rotten. Removing them from the water helps to eliminate the bacteria which speed up rotting. Where refrigeration is not available, some greens can be wrapped using towel since it usually absorbs the moisture that is in excess. If the leaves are left to retain the moisture, they may get spoiled easily. Berries can also be washed with hot water. This helps in the killing of the spores which makes the fruits to remain fresh for long. Fruits such as tomatoes can also be put in a bowl that has a towel lining. This will help them to retain their flavor and remain flesh for a longer period(Pham, 2012). The most popular fruits that have been used for carving are pineapples, strawberries, watermelons, apples, oranges, and cantaloupes. Particularly, watermelon carving was and is still a perfect idea. The carving of watermelon can be traced back to China where fruit carving is believed to have originated. Typically, the outer parts of the melon are carved and the pulp scrapped. This leaves out a void which can be used as a food container or to put flowers. Watermelon carving is also popular in Thailand. A legend in Thai is famed for having decorated a lantern with a melon carved with flowered designed to impress the queen. There are various considerations associated with food platter. The individual should ensure that the food is picked up easily. This ensures that the guests can serve themselves individually without interfering with the buffet presentation. It should also be ensured that the platter is simple to enhance uniformity in the setting up of the buffet. Attractive and durable items should be used when setting the platter. If metals are used they leave some tastes. This will ruin the whole buffet; therefore good choices on metals to be used should be done. It should also be noted that food should not be removed after placing the food in a tray since this may cause smudges and the food will not be attractive as intended. Therefore plans should be initiated before making the arrangements of the platter by drawing it down on paper(Johnny's Kitchen, 2017) Steel is the best metal to be used for making carving knives; this is because steel is a mixture of carbon and iron. The other elements such as chromium are useful as they resist oxidation prevent corrosion too. Due to the increase in the levels of carbon, this hardens steel and increase in the resistance of wear(Keller, 2015). Using this tools guarantees the safety of fruits being prepared. There are various factors which should be considered when choosing fruits. The first quality of the fruits that should be considered is the quality of the fruits. The fruits chosen should be of high quality to last longer. Secondly, fruits should be fresh and juicy. Fruits chosen should also be colorful improve their attractiveness. It should be ensured that the color of the fruits placed on the platter is good and appealing. Lastly, the smell of the fruits should also be considered. Fruits with good scent should, therefore, be chosen(Top Dreamer, 2013). References Asian (2016, June 26). Fruit Vegetable Carving. Retrieved from Asian Chemko, S. (2014, March 6). How to Prepare for Fruit and Vegetable Carving. Retrieved from Thai Hendricks, J. (2015, February 26). Is Soaking Raw Fresh Vegetables in Water Good or Bad? Retrieved from Johnny's Kitchen. (2017, September 13). Cold Platter Preparation. Retrieved from Keller, M. (2015, January 28). The Best Steel for Woodcarving Knives. Retrieved from Pham, D. (2012, May 30). 6 Ways to Keep Your Fruits and Veggies Fresher for Longer. Retrieved from Top Dreamer. (2013, March 18). Interesting Ideas Fruit and Vegetable Art. Retrieved from

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Architecture Design Project for Housing Studies- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theArchitecture Design Project for Housing Studies. Answer: A communitys existence of a market makes it possible for businesses to be conducted. Market places exist do to availability of specifics that could be sold in the geographic estimates and the available type of customers or businesses that are to be targeted. Night cliff has a market in place thereby proving that there is an existing target customers who are easily available and easy to make contact with. Even with the present marketability of the Nightcliff town, the market places cannot do businesses with everybody lest they lead to exhaustion of resources or confusion of customers(Clement L. , 2005). Nightcliff market trends towards smaller niches hence its marketability. Nightcliff marketability is due to the target specific in niches, not just teenagers or any other group. It further includes specifics such as teenage males or rich teenage males. The focus in Nightcliff town clarifies what is being sold in the business industry. Small is huge and Nightcliff does make its superior ity in making a market exist in its surrounding, putting down the achievements in marketing industries and this strategy does come with the marketing style and pattern that resolves its problems(Clement, 2005). An existence of a market in Nightcliff has put in successful businesses due to the towns description of the worldview of the customers that come in town. Major concerns of these prospective customers are therefore met in Nightcliff by the identification of the wants and needs of customers. Taking the action of constructing a market in Nightcliff produces a synthesized ideology in clientele servicing hence creating a far different quality. Cullen Bay having not allocated a market in town makes it not benefit as Nightcliff in the market industry. Therefore, the town has poor clientele when compared to Nightcliff(Manzo, 2003). Schools can be influential in towns uniformity and diversity. Cullen Bay town that not only has a school in it but a number of schools, benefits from continuous inflow and outflow of people. Schools lead to the visit of students, many students since there are numerous schools. The town therefor can bathe in the constant crowds from various working professions and various students. Another architectural benefit that comes with building of schools is the decrease of vehicles. Schools that exist in towns benefit from public transport that have been built, function and service well. Public transportation such as buses are present in Cullen Bay thereby reducing the traffic in the streets. With the reduction in traffic comes easier and faster transportation across the town. Other than the mentioned benefits in Cullen bay, the subscribed means of transport is far cheaper than use of personal cars. Even some of the schools allocate passes to transportation by public means. Notably, Cullen Ba y has less number of personal vehicles hence it results to better atmosphere. There is reduced pollution in the city making the environment be and feel fresh. The lack of schools in Nightcliff means lack of the mentioned befits that overflow in Cullen Bay. More to this is that Nightcliff lacks the vast diversity that is present in Cullen Bay. With diversity comes numerous memorable moments. Nigh cliff therefore misses out on such memorable moments that can be found in Cullen Bay(Healy). Lifestyle patterns usually depend upon the existing activities in a town. Taking the example of numerous activities in Nightcliff, depicts a vast lifestyle in the town that affect the understanding of the world. An existence of more activities depicts more investigation and exploration of the surroundings of the town(Dovey, Dreams on display suburban ideology in the Model Home, 1994). Nightcliff town supports and encourages activities in its jurisdiction and this feeds back the towns growth, lessons learnt and success in development. These activities come due to the support of the town to provide tools and opportunity required in growth by exposure to its wide environment consisting of plants, people and animals. Activities in Nightcliff town brings about respect and team work. More activities mean more work teamwork in the various fields of town development. Nightcliff therefore is developed in its fostering of creativity. When a town experiments, develops and implements on allocati ng activities that can be done in it, it invests on a myriad of methods that develop its social, economic and political ways. More to this is the possibility of investing on a different field other than academics. Residents who have failed in academics engage in town activities that rewards and encourages entrepreneurship. Cullen Bay makes it more difficult for other development that are influenced by activities due to its less support and encouragement of activities being conducted in it. Also, the characteristic of less activities means reduced health in its residents due to reduced physical exercises(Fry Sellbach, 2008). Building style and type brings into account the construction of one storey buildings in Nigh Cliff, brings in the large share of in detached housing in the town. The witness of such one storey building is a key in categorizing of the towns demography. Most of the families preferring one story building s are the recently growing families that have young and still growing children hence the choice in buildings. One story buildings instill a sense of safety and space in housing architectural designs. Such housing designs increase with the increasing of growing families in the town. Night Cliff town lacks the urbanized scenery as in the Cullen Bay. Night Cliff has the suburban scenery that is favored by decreasing communication cost even though there are benefits that are there in densely packed or tall buildings that are in Cullen Bay. One storey building result into detachment of housing. That come up due to complex social issues or the lack of opportunities in privacy for the developm ent of property. Hence Night Cliff favors individual family development as opposed to Cullen Bay. Benefits are there in both fronts since Cullen Bay town is favorable fro company development that require packed development in there system. Also, tall buildings offer monumental scenery in their skyscraping features. Skyscrapers have the element of investment in new architectural technologies unlike one storey buildings that mostly have late technologies do to their simplicity in development(Dowling Mee, 161-165). The atmosphere and feel in tourism can be managed to being beneficial rather than disadvantageous to its surrounding. Most towns tend to make the negative effects less so that the effect is nit felt on the host town and its environment if it outweighs the benefits it has financially(Walsh, 2005). Tourism in Cullen Bay due to the environmental set up for vacations from the busy working towns such as Night Cliff leads to creation of jobs. Jobs can be created directly in the tourism investment or via indirect means in the retails or transport sectors. Towns such as Cullen Bay experience the multiplier effect due to the expenditure of these incoming tourists. Tourism generates revenues from the extra taxation opportunities in the facilities that harbor tourist such as hotels and airports. Socially, there is an improvement in leisure activities in the town. If he tourists keep on coming, the residential communities strive to maintain their tourist attracting features thus there is a prese rved culture in the surroundings. Cultures in traditions, festival and handicrafts are persevered so as to maintain tourism. This generates confidence in the towns civic pride thereby maintaining such suburban architectural plans in towns such as Cullen Bay. The inflow of tourists is due to the curiosity of the diversity in cultures hence there will be interaction and creation of cultural understanding that raises global awareness(Zora, 2008). The environment is also affected since it is preserved and this could lead to cropping up of historic structures. Other than the positivity that tourism brings, there are negative values that towns that have less tourist visiting escape. Incidences of increased environmental pollution due to increased sewage production from the added population. Towns that may depend on tourism also may not grow due to the possibility of terrorism or natural disasters in the areas of concern(Dovey, 1994). There the noticeable presence of new houses in Cullen Bay town as opposed to Night Cliff town. Cullen Bay houses are constructed form some of the recent architectural designs so as to meet the new developing standards that make the town look and feel new. New buildings come with better construction material that are environmentally friendly and fit into the recent social and economic states in the community(Drew, 2009). Socially, new buildings are constructed to have better aesthetic values in their views. Aesthetic values come in determining the shapes and blending of the buildings. Some buildings are developed to have compartments that can sustain growing of plants. It is beneficial and safer to have new buildings in town as opposed to intermediary buildings that consists of old and new technologies(Dovey Woodcock, Senses of urban Character, 2008). References Clement, L. (2005). From Prisons to penthouses; the chaging image of high-rise living in Melbourne. Housing studies. Clement, T. (2005). Suburban Frontiers. architecture Australia, 60-63. Dovey, K. (1994). Dreams on display suburban ideology in the Model Home. Carlton: Melborne University press. Dovey, K. (1994). Dreams on Display Suburban Ideology in the model Home. Beasts of Surbabia , 127-147. Dovey, K., Woodcock, I. (2008). Senses of urban Character. making sense of place, National Museum of Australia Press. Dowling, R., Mee, K. (161-165). Home and homemaking in Contemporary Australia. Housing Theory and society, 2007. Drew, P. (2009). Inspiration Below Australian Vernacular in Contemporary Architecture. architectural theory review, 50-62. Fry, R., Sellbach, U. (2008). Making sense of Place. Canberra: National Museum of Australia Press. Healy, C. (n.d.). Beast of suurbia reinterpreting the cultures in Autralia suburbs. Caltorn : Melbourne University Press. Manzo, C. (2003). Beyond house and haven: toward a revisioning and emotional relationship with places. Journal of environmental psychology, 47-61. Walsh, K. (2005). Suburban transformations in the post metropolis. Architecture Australia, 57-58. Zora, S. (2008). What are ya negotiating ideas in the western suburbs of Sydney in 1980s. Journal of Australian Studies, 223-236.